Mexican Hat: the best offers for the best accommodation and holiday homes
How much doeas it cost to stay in Mexican Hat? The more economical accommodation in Mexican Hat has an average cost of 149 euros per night. For a weekend low cost in Mexican Hat, instead, are available different offers at a low cost cost around 149 euros per night. The cheapest weekends anre during the month of February. If instead you were interested in holiday homes or apartments, for medium long stays, the best weekly offers low cost in Mexican Hat have an average weekly cost of 1,046 euros. The week with the lowest prices are in the month of February from 2/19 to 2/26.
Mexican Hat and the time with the best weather for a holiday
Mexican Hat: do you want to know which is the hottest month: the hottest month of the year is July where temperatures can reach 33°C. If instead you are cold lovers the best month with the coldes temperatures is January, where the temperature can drop to 5°C. On average in Mexican Hat you will find an average temperature of 19°C.